How we are funded
Our main income is from the trips which our clients book year round (in normal years). We have a two tiered pricing structure enabling us to offer particularly low rates for groups organising trips for care homes, schools, youth groups and those arranging trips or people who are disabled or disadvantaged. In 2019, we carried over 10,000 passengers, with over two thirds benefitting from the subsidised rate.
As a charity led and run entirely by volunteers, we are a lean, cost-effective organisation. Many of our volunteers don’t reclaim the expenses to which they are entitled. So labour costs are limited to the occasional call on professionals when we lack the skills or capacity to take on particular specialist jobs.
Boat and base maintenance costs are the largest call on our income with other running costs including licenses, insurance, fuel, training, volunteer support, marketing etc. Boat trip income has so far been sufficient to cover these, but we depend on charitable donations to support our Enable Holidays programme and capital development projects.