
Make a donation

Donate to Waterways Experiences

We’d love to hear from you if you are interested in supporting one of our appeals in a significant way. Please drop an email to [email protected] or call 01923 723819 (option 1)  if you’d like more information and maybe a visit to our boat base to meet one of our fundraisers.  

Donate via PayPal

The value of your donation can be increased by 25% at no extra cost to you by signing up for Gift Aid if you’re a UK taxpayer. 

Gift Aid your donation

The value of your donation can be increased by 25% at no extra cost to you by signing up for Gift Aid if you’re a UK taxpayer. 

Making a donation by cheque: Please make payable to Waterways Experiences.
Send to: The Treasurer, Waterways Experiences, Nash Mills Recreation Centre, Red Lion Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP3 9TE

Standing Order: If you would like to set up a monthly standing order to Waterways Experiences please contact our Treasurer.

Donate via GiveAsYouLive

Raise donations for Waterways Experiences with your online shopping. Give as you Live is a free and easy way to raise money just by shopping online.  Once you’ve signed up you can browse the Give as you Live website for the stores you want to shop with.  It’s completely free, you don’t pay anything extra for your shopping, the donation is made at no extra cost to you and it’s also completely free for WExp, and WExp will receive 100% of the donation. With over 4,000 stores including favourites such as Marks & Spencers, John Lewis, Boots, Tesco, ASOS, Screwfix, Moonpig  and many more it’s an easy way to support WExp.

Donate via AmazonSmile

Experience feel-good shopping when you shop at smile.amazon.co.uk. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know, you will find the same products, same prices and same services and once you’ve set it up it links automatically to your existing Amazon account. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to your chosen charity at no extra cost to you. 

Donate via the Co-op Local Community Fund

We have been selected to take part in the Co-op Local Community Fund through to October 2022. This year funds will go towards our Enable holidays for disadvantaged young people.

The more Co-op members who select us the more funds we’ll receive. It’s easy to join as a Co-op member and there’s a handy associated App  As a member you can help make a difference shopping at any Co-op outlet within the UK.