• Moorhen on Grand Union

Unlucky moorhen rescued

Friday 13th December,  a client aboard Sheldrake 2 spotted an unfortunate moorhen suspended upside down from a low overhanging branch, its feet tangled in fishing line.  After some deliberation, a rescue attempt was planned.  Slowing the boat and slowly approaching [...]

2021-05-05T13:10:17+01:0022nd December 2019|

Coop community fund

Last week 2 of our volunteers Brian and Maria went out to 3 local Co-op stores including Cupid Green petrol station, Queens Square and Co-op Funeral care Marlowes to say thank you to the Co-op Members who voted for us [...]

2021-04-13T17:43:22+01:0022nd November 2019|

Sheldrake III Emergency Exercise

Danny Powlesland  Reports... On 7th  August, we carried out our annual Emergency Exercise on SH3 as we are required to do every year under the terms of our licence. We have great fun thinking up something different each year, but [...]

2021-03-04T13:43:18+00:0024th September 2019|

Living Waterways Award 2019

Members of the Thursday team did some useful work clearing off-side vegetation  during 2017 and 2018 using our 12-person passenger boats as working boats.  This year, because our boats were in dry dock or having new engines, we asked Canal [...]

2021-04-13T17:43:56+01:0022nd July 2019|

WExp gardens in summer glory

If you’ve visited  the boat base on a Wednesday recently, you can't fail to have noticed a hive of activity in the garden - and we're not only talking bees here (which are indeed plentiful and active)! Gardeners Judy and [...]

2021-02-22T14:34:18+00:009th June 2019|Tags: |

Young Carers weekend

Davina, Brian, Maggie and John enjoyed a great trip with young carers at the beginning of April. Davina wrote this piece as a reminder for us all of the great experiences given to young people through WExp...  On Friday 5th [...]

2021-02-22T14:35:00+00:0011th April 2019|Tags: |

Sally Ash writes…

Last week I had the privilege of representing Waterways Experiences at the Box Moor Trust's Annual meeting where we'd been invited to say a few words about what Wexp is and does.  My short presentation obviously kicked off with a [...]

2021-02-22T14:26:44+00:0010th April 2019|Tags: |

‘Thank you’ from local residents

Maria, a local resident emailed Waterways Experiences... I am a resident of Dickinson House, The Embankment, Nash Mills Site opposite the Lock House.  Christine [Thompson] and I have been in correspondence concerning the Nash Mills site and the waterways. 'The [...]

2021-02-22T14:29:13+00:009th April 2019|Tags: |
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